Motion graphic explainer video series

Hiscox is a specialist insurer, underwriting personal and business risks. Over the years, they had developed a strong print brand, one that was instantly recognisable on billboards all over the country. They approached Content Creatures to develop a series of short videos and bring the band to life.

These campaigns won Content Creatures a Gold Muse Award.





What We Did

  • Animation
  • Brand development
  • Copywriting
  • Creative strategy
  • Digital assets
  • Motion Design
  • Storyboarding
  • Voiceover production

Project film:

Hiscox project LinkedIn connection statistics

Creative motion graphics

Black, white and red. Bold type. A red line. These were the core elements we had to work with. We realised that strong kinetic type was key to reflecting the brand identity in motion graphics. As well as mirroring the print equivalent, it would also mean that the video content would remain effective on social, even with the sound off.

Punchy type is one thing, but we needed a connecting device. So for that, our Design team took the red line which had hitherto been used to separate the logo from the boiler-plate and made it into a graphic property that could underline, highlight and connect one scene to the next.

These simple elements, when combined with a snappy script and jazzy edit, gave the creatives the dynamic barebones they needed to create a series of campaigns.

Motion graphic explainers

To kick of the motion graphics explainer series, we started with a campaign we called ‘Social Susan’. This highlighted Hiscox’s belief that there was no such thing as an average business and, each customer deserved to be treated differently.

Our copywriter wrote scripts that focused on a series of ‘average’ individuals whose ‘average’ lives were presented using playful kinetic typography, stock photography and bespoke illustrations.

We created different formats and with copy and creative changes designed to work best on a variety of social channels, including LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter.

Hiscox Social Susan LinkedIn Spot_3

The next theme in the motion graphics explainer series was highlighting the impact of cybercrime on small businesses.

Hiscox set up a server and monitored the volume of attacks it received. We created a series of animated social posts that illustrated the scale of daily attacks in an engaging manner. Our concept was to compare big numbers, with things commuters encountered every day.

Early each morning, Hiscox supplied the latest cybercrime attack figures for the server, and we updated the creative and then supplied back a ‘live’ version so that commuters saw updated numbers on their way to work.

The campaign was a massive success for the Hiscox team and we were delighted to pick up a Gold Muse award for the creative direction and production.

Speedy, professional and never short of imagination. Thanks for getting under the skin of our brand so quickly and creating such an engaging animation despite our ambitious deadlines.

Katie Bergin

Senior Communications Manager, Hiscox