What is a Creative Content Agency and How Can They Help?

6 min read

What Is A Creative Content Agency & How Can They Help

As a business, it can be challenging to find ways to remain creative with your content. Whether to support a digital marketing campaign or to level up your website’s design, being unique while remaining true to your brand image takes time and expertise.

Often, working with a creative content agency can be the ideal solution, but it’s good to understand the value that they will bring before you get started. 

What is a creative content agency? 

By definition, a creative agency develops and implements imaginative solutions to help businesses increase brand awareness and profits. However, this definition of a creative agency often leads to different assumptions and interpretations, as the possibilities of how they can help are broad. 

Under the umbrella of a creative agency lies a creative content agency. This type of agency tends to focus more on content that can play a major role in your marketing or communication strategies. 

The agency is responsible for developing and delivering creative solutions for a business and often include video content, copywriting, or other branded content. 

In our case, we are a creative agency and animation studio that focuses on producing engaging video content for businesses around the world. This includes creative strategy, concept development, animation and video production.

We create a wide variety of work for corporate clients and agencies; including brand films, creative strategy for global rebrands, internal communication initiatives, motion graphics, explainer videos, and so much more. You will find examples of our work here.

How can we help? 

Animated films for business use is a big part of what we bring to the table. However, putting ideas into motion is only one part of our process. Here are a few of the other ways we can help.

We bring the imagination

While working with a freelancer website, such as Fiverr, can be good for short-term projects, they often rely on templated videos. This makes an animated film look similar to others and can mean that you don’t stand out as well as you should. 

Working with a creative agency means having access to a team that will look for an imaginative approach to your film, making it bespoke to you and your brand. We will also inject personality into the film, whether through humour, empathy, or others, to make a bigger impact on your viewers. 

You have access to a team of experts

One of the biggest advantages of working with a creative content agency is that you have access to a team of creative experts that have worked across multiple industries. 

This can help bring a level of knowledge and experience that might otherwise not have been possible. This experience also brings the know-how of what not to do with animated films and how to structure them to get the most out of your investment. 

We understand that bespoke animation requires time and resources, so we always work to ensure that you are seeing the value from it. 

We focus on long term brand development

As part of our process, we ensure that we are crafting content that will support your brand long term rather than filling a gap in your content calendar.

We believe characterful animation should be a key part of your strategy. Character doesn’t mean cartoon, it means personality that will help bring your brand to life. 

With the right creative approach, this characterful animation can be used across multiple channels over a long period of time. This helps to bring consistency into your image, which improves brand awareness for your audience.

We offer a clear production process

We spend time getting to know your business before the animation even begins so that the film will reflect your brand and key messaging in the best possible light.  This helps to create animated video content that drives more conversions and ultimately, better results for your business.

We do this by following this process: 

  • Collect – Establishing a clear brief from the outset is key to a successful project. We do this by holding a kick-off meeting where we encourage you to share as much as you can with us so we can create the right content for you.
  • Consider – The creative concept stage is all about generating ‘the big idea’ that will bring the brief to life. Based on the approved creative brief, we will develop two distinctive creative routes for you to choose from.
  • Consolidate – Once a creative route has been chosen, we move on to consolidating all we have learnt. We focus on designing and developing all the elements we will need for a successful project.
  • Create – Now that the idea and script have been tweaked and polished, we get down to the hard craft of creating the content. This can involve any combination of skills, illustration, animation, live-action filming, editing, and more. Along the way, there will be plenty of opportunities to comment and give your input.
  • Circulate – Once we have had your final approval, we master-up, ready to circulate the creative. For moving image projects, this is where we add the final audio. We may have recorded a voiceover earlier during production, but at this stage, we focus on the mix. 

Having a clear, considered production process isn’t just for us, it’s good for our clients too. 

Ready to get started with a creative content agency?

If you have a vision you’d like to bring to life, we’d like to hear about it. You can request a free consultation or you can simply get in touch to say hello. 
