Animated video for pitches

Crowe UK is a leading audit, tax, advisory and risk firm. Content Creatures were commissioned by the Risk team early in the first lockdown of 2020 to create an animated pitch video.

Like many organisations, our client was having to pivot and find a new way to bring life to the presentation toolkit they had used in meetings with prospective clients for some time.


Crowe UK



What We Did

  • Animation
  • Brand development
  • Copywriting
  • Digital assets
  • Motion Design

Project assets:

Animated Pitch Video Hero - Crowe UK - Taking a Flexible Approach

The challenge

As prospective clients adjusted to remote working and online meetings – something that has remained commonplace since – Crowe UK needed to find a way for the message to stand out.

Their existing creds deck was heavy on detail and ran to more fifteen pages, it isn’t possible to maintain someone’s attention with that type of content when you aren’t in the same room.

Our solution

We suggested creating an animated video for pitches, simplifying the content and presenting using a simple, motion graphics and elegant kinetic typography. Our copywriter pared down their usual deck from sixteen pages to a snappy script which ran to less than two minutes.

Despite the brevity, the film still included information about the wider Crowe business, a breakdown of key processes, and client testimonials.

The creative process

Our Design team took inspiration Crowe’s existing static brand identity: dots and a grid property. For colour there was a limited palette to work with, and we felt the yellow and white gave us the impactful colour to work with.

Once the styleframe storyboards were designed, our animators created a flexible, fluid animation that moved in 2D and 3D, offering surprising transitions to keep the viewer engaged throughout.